"Fasten für Manager"

Für gesunde Menschen, die ihr Aussehen auf eine natürliche, unschädliche, risikolose und bequeme Weise verändern wollen - die sogar Spaß macht, kein Geld kostet, und tolle, inspirierende Informationen bietet!



Our eBook provides compact information for all guys & girls who are healthy but would like to change the shape of their appearance:

“Fasting for Managers”
eISBN 978-967-15668-0-0
Take great encouragement for fasting from astonishing facts and background information which show an easy way to adopt a new shape! Fasting detoxifies the organism and will let you enjoy various great side effects from it like a high spirit, and increased stamina and often increased creativity.

Zusätzliche Informationen


Fasten für Manager (German), Fasting For Managers (English), Puasa Untuk Pengurus (Malay), 经理人的禁食 (中文)


ePub, Kindle, Kindle + ePub, PDF, PDF + ePub, PDF + Kindle, PDF + Kindle + ePub


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