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全新体型, 完整排毒与更健康的自己


适合追求健康同时想要用天然, 无害, 零风险与舒服的方式来改变自己的体型, 让你能够更加轻松与免费获得相关资料!


通过令人震撼的数据与资料, 鼓励你用禁食的方式来改善体型!


USD $4.99


“我分享我 20 年来偶尔禁食的知识和个人经验,每年至少一两次。”

Jens Kehrhahn


马上领取电子书 只需USD $4.99, 探索健康生活方式


June M.
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"There are countless compliments that I can give this eBook. As someone with a child, pets, a husband, a job, and a household to take care of, its safe to say that my schedule is pretty packed. On top of all that, I need to take care of myself too. My health has always been important to me but as life happened, it took a back seat because I didn't have the time. However, Fasting for Managers gave me a chance to live my wonderful life while getting back my previous waste line and getting rid of certain fat polsrers so easily! It also helps me to improve my relationship with food. Since my first fast, my health has improved immensely as a result of taking care of my well-being. I never knew that rebooting my lifestyle could be so easy! During the course of my first fast, I knew that this was something I would implement into my life at least once a year. It is an easy way to get the reigns on your health, shape, and diet, all the while continuing with busy day to day life. Since ending my last fast, I have been able to maintain my new shape and make much better food choices! I’m very grateful for what Fasting for Managers has taught me."
Jasmin M.
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“这本《禁食管理》电子书改变了我看待食物的方式。作为一个享受咀嚼和进食带来的满足感的人,我以为我会挣扎。但在禁食的第 2 天之后,这一切都消失了. 虽然我的饥饿度下降了,但我很享受“喝”食物的过程,因为忙碌的一天时间效率很高。我的精力达到顶峰,我能够富有成效地创造性地工作,我能感觉到我的身体发生了变化!我能够跑得更远,在健身房举起更重的重量,经过两周的禁食,我终于能够穿上一条以前对我来说有点太小的牛仔裤!不仅如此,我周围的人也开始注意到身体的变化。1个月后,手臂和腹部的脂肪减少了,但我在健身房努力锻炼的肌肉却出现了。这本电子书绝对对我的生活和生活产生了影响让我进入了另一个营养、排毒和体重的世界损失。我将 100% 将一个月左右的医疗禁食纳入我的年度常规,以改善我的健康。谢谢脂肪管理大师!”

